Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Deviled Eggs

My mom's pretty much famous for her deviled eggs. And since I learned from the best, I've got a bit of a deviled egg reputation myself. One of Josh's co-workers brought deviled eggs to my house for a get together and my friend Ashlee took one look at his deviled eggs and said, "Who brought deviled eggs to Amy's house?"

On June 20, 2013 I spent the afternoon at the hospital. I was pregnant with Silas and I hadn't felt him move all day. I went to get checked out and they reassured me that everything was fine and since I wasn't due until July 9, they sent me home.

Josh had a command picnic the next day so I stayed up late making four dozen deviled eggs, per their request. As I stood over the sink, like a T-Rex peeling eggs, I said to Josh, "So help me, if I have this baby and these deviled eggs don't make it to the picnic, I'm going to be so mad!"

And what do you know? The next morning my water broke before I even got out of bed. Josh rushed home from work and we packed up. We dropped the two most important things off at Marissa's house, Jackson and the deviled eggs. I got my baby and everybody else got their deviled eggs. Win, win!

You'd probably like to have the recipe for these famous deviled eggs:

Boil eggs, slice in half, separate yolks from whites.
Use a mixer to break up the yolks.
Mix in a few big blobs of Miracle Whip and a couple little squirts of mustard.
Shake in some salt and a tiny bit of pepper (I think pepper is kind of yucky).
Here's the most important part!! They have to look pretty. A spoon is unacceptable. Use a pastry bag or even a ziplock bag with the corner cut off to fill the whites. No ugly deviled eggs allowed.
Shake a little paprika on top for an extra pretty.

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