Thursday, July 5, 2012

Highway 6

One of the several reasons Josh should have dumped me when he had the chance occurred two summers ago on Highway 6. Wandering down the side of the highway late at night, drunk, sweaty, wet and bleeding he picked me up and took me home. Well, not without a quick stop at Aunt Vicky's on the way.

The day started out great! Free tickets to see a few of my favorite bands at Westfair and all access passes to the VIP tent with free beer and a private porta-potty was setting the day up for success. But you really have no idea how drunk you are when you're sweating balls and guzzling one cold beer after another.

Despite my intoxication I was courteous enough to be concerned about Josh getting stuck in the concert traffic when he came to pick me up. So I stuffed an extra beer in my purse and cracked open another for the road as I started hiking down the side of Highway 6 in the pitch dark. About 1/4 mile down the road I came across some rough terrain, slipped in the gravel and biffed it on the side of the road.  It must have been a while since I visited that private porta-potty because I spilled my beer and half my bladder when I hit the ground.

Just as I finished picking the gravel out of my knee Josh came to the rescue. I jumped in the car and sent him straight into the concert traffic I was trying to avoid. I needed to get to the closest toilet, Aunt Vicky's house, because I wasn't done peeing.

The next day we drove up and down Highway 6 more than once so I could show Josh the slope I slipped on that caused the whole accident. Never found it. Turns out that road is flat as a pancake; I was the only thing tilted that night.