Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Longest Goodbye

I knew this day was coming such a long time ago. I remember sitting in the driveway of my house in Council Bluffs talking to my mom on the phone and bawling. This was long before we said the L word, got married or had Jackson. We had only been together for a few months and I had already realized that I had two choices...dump him now or move away forever. 

Later, months later, Josh got to see all the crazy I had built up inside. He kept talking about "When I move next." I finally burst out in blubbering tears, "Well, just dump me now then, don't wait until later when I will be miserable when you leave." Now I know what he really meant was, "When WE move next..."

I'm sure you all thought we would never leave. I mean, we've only been talking about this move since September 2011. We declared, "We're moving!" three times before we actually left. The date changed. The location changed. We found one delay after another - brain surgery, baby Jackson, etc. But we did it. We finally left. The timing wasn't perfect - but in this case I don't think it would have ever been good. I miss my family. I'm sorry they won't get to see Jackson enough or meet the new baby until months after she is born. I miss my job. But the two most important people are here, so I'm here with them. I'm going to get used to this. This is the first of many long goodbyes, I'm sure.

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