On this day in 2011 there was a series of unfortunate events.
Josh and my dad left with some friends to go on a hog hunting trip in Oklahoma. When we were kids, and my dad would go out of town, disaster would always strike (see Turkey Burrito). Apparently, it's a law of nature. When the man of the house is away, you're doomed.
In ONE day, I had to be rescued by two different uncles, my mom and a neighbor.
Uncle LeRoy and his big red truck had to come jump start the big blue truck when it left me stranded at my grandparents house.
Because we were all buried in a few feet of snow, my neighbor friend Chris brought his snow blower over to dig out my driveway. I had already been shoveling for quite some time when he came to help. After he left, I stayed outside for a while longer working on the sidewalk. Completely frozen from a few hours of shoveling, I was shocked to discover that I was locked out of the house. It was 11 degrees...
I called my mom. She gathered up all the spare keys she could find. Surely one would belong to my house. But just in case none of them worked, she picked up Uncle Todd and his bucket of tools on the way.
They arrived, guns a blazing! Uncle Todd and his tool bucket went straight to work trying to break in through the basement door. Our plan was to Uncle Buck the door open. As he started pulling the frame off the wall my mom and I suddenly remembered the collection of keys. I managed to let myself in the front door and met Uncle Todd face to face before the whole door came off the hinges in the basement.
After I warmed up I started my big painting project. Since Josh hates to paint, I planned to get the living room, dining room and halls painted while he was away. Nothing like ending a long hard day with a spilled can of paint on the carpet. Because we all know that when the man of the house is gone, anything that can go wrong, will.
PS - I ended up doing that big painting project twice. Half the cans of paint were flat and the other were semi gloss. And I almost died once by falling off a makeshift scaffold that I created over the open staircase =)
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