We needed one last picture for our Christmas card this year. I thought it would be awfully festive if we took one in front of the tree. As I'm setting up the self timer on the camera and finagling a few boxes on top of a TV dinner tray, the unthinkable happens.
Josh steps on the edge of a package, throws out both arms to balance himself, takes a few steps back, pins the Christmas tree against the wall and ends up on the floor. He managed to roll around long enough that he ended up clear over by the kitchen door. I'm asking "are you alright?" But it feels like it takes 15 minutes to get off the couch and waddle over there. He never did answer because he was laughing so hard (and maybe crying just a little).
By this time I'm laughing hysterically too but still asking "are you ok?" In the chaos, somehow I managed to drool all over the back of his "good shirt."
When we were finally able to collect ourselves and assess the damage, I realized he fell so hard that he took the paint right off the wall! Now the tree has been Jimmy rigged back together and almost stands straight. Needless to say we never got the festive picture we were hoping for. But I did snap this one...
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