Growing up, my brother was the hungriest person I knew. We would sit at Shoney's buffet watching him eat one plate after another. The worst part was when we had all finished, he would go to the bathroom and come back with a hollow leg ready for round two.
Eating was such a priority for this kid that he had to pack snacks for our paper route, only four blocks long. Once he sat on the corner and ate a bowl of cereal. He packed a bowl of Fruit Loops, a thermos of milk and a freaking spoon. We had a Pizza Hut jug that held about a half gallon. It tipped over in the wagon once filled with Kool-Aid and we were forced to deliver a few pink newspapers.
I think my favorite was when he pulled two cold hot dogs out of a fanny pack on a bike ride. Hey, at least he was willing to share!