Thursday, November 29, 2012

Turkey Burrito

It's about that time of year again. Time to throw out the left over turkey from Thanksgiving. Let me tell you, the garbage disposal is not ideal.

Murphy's Law in the Kern house was "What can go wrong will go wrong, in the middle of the night, when Dad's not home." So, of course, dad was out of town when mom had the grand idea to run half a left over turkey down the garbage disposal instead of just tossing it in the garbage can.

I may never know how exactly this happened - the physics still confuse me - but just before bed there was some kind of plumbing explosion in the laundry room. It looked like a turkey bomb went off. It was absolutely everywhere. There was turkey in the washing machine. There was turkey stuck to the walls. The carpet was soaked in what had become some kind of turkey sewer broth. Gag!

Uncle Todd to the rescue! As mom and I cleaned up what we could, Uncle Todd addressed the plumbing issues. And by clean up, I mean scrape turkey off the walls with a mop.  On his way out of the house Uncle Todd rolled up the turkey sewer broth soaked carpet and declared he was taking the Turkey Burrito to the curb. We were up so late cleaning up the mess that I missed school the next day. The absence note that I presented to my English teacher was one for the record books, I’m sure.