I've been pretty proud of my baby growing skills this whole time. I was never sick much and overall I have very few complaints. I think I'm doing a pretty good job hatching our egg. Maybe too good...
Because at my last appointment I learned that our Lovebug is already 5 pounds! I've never done this before so I'm not sure what constitutes normal at 30 weeks. But by my calculations and wild imagination I fear I may be giving birth to the world's biggest baby.
So, naturally the first thing I did when I got to work this morning was Google "World's Biggest Baby." And if I plan on breaking any records I have my work cut out for me. The winner came in at 19 pounds! No need for all the newborn clothes we have washed and ready if that happens.
So far there are no plans of moving my due date. For now let's just hope that the high-tech medical equipment is just a little off. I'd be perfectly happy with a healthy rolly-polley baby but we've got no plans to change his name to Andre the Giant.